3 Super Simple Eco-Friendly Fitness Tips You Can Use Now

How green is your fitness routine? These days, the health of the earth is at the forefront of a lot of our minds – and with good reason. It’s our collective responsibility to do what we can to take care of our planet.

You might be thinking, “isn’t fitness pretty eco-friendly already?” Yes, it’s true, getting a good sweat on doesn’t directly equate to a large carbon footprint.

But there are still ways you can take your regular fitness regime to a whole new environmentally friendly level.

Reusable Water Bottles

Ditch the single-use plastic bottles. Getting yourself a metal, ceramic, or glass reusable water bottle is the easiest way to go green at the gym. From 8oz to 80oz, there’s a size available on the market to suit your needs.

Have a little fun with it and choose a water bottle with a fun pattern or texture to elevate your fitness style game. Who said eco-friendly couldn’t be fashion-forward?

Wear Ethically Produced Gear

More and more fitness apparel companies are jumping on board the “go-green” train. From big names like Patagonia to lesser-known brands like Boody and Groceries Apparel, you can find ethically-sourced, sustainable, and attractive workout clothes to suit your taste and needs.

Minimize Plastics for Pre-and-Post-Workout Fuel

When you’ve just finished a supercharged, high-intensity workout, you’re probably more focused on catching your breath than saving the planet.

Practice mindfulness before hitting the gym by packing your pre-and-post workout meals, beverages, supplements, and snacks in recycled glass containers rather than the less-sustainable plastic options.

Not only are they better for the planet, they’re better for your health as well, as glass doesn’t carry the risk of toxins getting released into your food.

Your workout is challenging but taking your workout habits to an eco-friendly level doesn’t have to be. Don’t stress about radically changing everything you’re doing – even implementing one of these tips into your gym regime will help reduce the overall strain on our planet.

Just like in a group fitness class, we’re all in this together. Happy training!